The Alpine Convention is launching the 1st edition of the Climate Hour. On this occasion, the Alpine Convention is inviting all kind of organizations to plan a local event related to the Climate theme. You can find more information here.ALPARC is ela...
Škocjan Caves Park, Slovenia, together with partners - the Municipality of Pivka, the Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies of the University of Primorska (FAMNIT), the Veterinary Faculty of the University of Ljubljana...
Together with our partners, we have completed the restoration of eight ponds and a karst spring, as well as 45 hectares of grasslands in the Vremščica and Košanska valleys. Additionally, we have assessed the ecosystem services of the Kras Biosphere R...
We have established the Committee for Sustainable Development with the aim of promoting activities that contribute to the sustainable development of the area and help preserve or improve the state of natural and cultural heritage. The committee follo...
As part of the ReNature project, we mapped ecosystem services and evaluated which are the most important gifts that nature gives us in the Karst Biosphere Reserve and the Reka River Basin and the Seasonal Lakes of Pivka Nature ParkWe organized severa...
Construction works have commenced for the restoration of eight ponds and a karst spring in the municipalities of Pivka, Ilirska Bistrica, Divača, and Hrpelje Kozina.With the assistance of an external contractor, we have cleared overgrowth and deepene...
At the end of May, together with the partners of the ReNature project, we visited Norway to exchange experiences and gain additional knowledge in the field of ecosystem restoration. The partners from the Norwegian Institute for Nature Research - NINA...
Eastern sub-Mediterranean dry grasslands represent one of the most diverse yet threatened environments globally. They are home to European priority Natura 2000 species such as the Marsh fritillary, Red-backed Shrike, Adriatic Lizard Orchid, and Lesse...
Project partners gathered for the Kick-Off event at the Škocjan Caves Regional Park from September 12th to 15th.In May 2022, we commenced the two-year project "Restoration of the network of wetlands and grasslands important for Natura 2000 and other ...
A one-day seminar of the National Educational Institute of Slovenia that was co-organized with Škocjan Caves Park Slovenia and DOPPS-Birdlife Slovenia took place on March 24 in the Škocjanski zatok Nature Reserve. The participants were the mentors of...
250 years ago, in 1768, Joseph N. Laurenti published the first scientific description of the human fish and named it with the Latin name Proteus anguinus. In collaboration with Tular Cave Laboratory, we hereby announce the 3rd international meeting S...
Past week, on September 15, we visited the Museum of Slovene Film Actors in Divača and with this finished the workshop of the pupils of our network that was held by visual artist Valerija Zabret. 19 pupils from 4 primary schools attended the worksho...
On September 11 and 12 the Škocjan Caves Park carried out a training for the members of the Slovene Professional Turist Guides Club and other interested tourist guides. The training is part of the planned professional presentations of international d...
We are very glad to inform you that our Network of Schools of the Škocjan Caves Park that operates within or according to the UNESCO MAB Program on the Karst Biosphere Reserve for already more than 10 years, was presented by the Award of the Republi...
In the Škocjan Caves Park we are currently hosting the 4th international summer school »Sensory systems in natural environments« for Slovene and German students. The school is organized by the Chair for physiology, anthropology and ethology, Departm...
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