Workshops and exhibitions

The different thematic exhibitions are a result of indirect or direct implementation and the hosting of different educational (protection) programmes of the Škocjan Caves Park.
The exhibitions and workshops that we host are to a large extent the result of children's creativity in schools (reflecting different interests and activities) and the operation of the international Network of Schools of the Škocjan Caves Park, Slovenia. Exhibitions have specific themes: for instance, the "Bat Comic Strip", "Between Nature and Culture" etc.

The aim of workshops is to familiarize the participants with historic customs, environment and natural features; such workshops have included: "Speleological Workshop", "Getting to Know Wetlands", "Basketry Workshoop", "Getting to Know Bats", "The Making of Birch Brooms", "Yarn spinning with a spinning wheel and hand spindle", the adventure workshop "Storytelling Hour in the Škocjan Caves", creative workshops, literary and artistic competitions, Ex-libris and others.

delavnice 2
Pletarska delavnica 
Izdelovanje brezovih metel 
Jamarska delavnica 
Čebelarska delavnica 
Demonstracija preje 
Netopirska delavnica 

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