Heritage preservation

We carry out courses for new part-time seasonal employees and students on a regular basis within the framework of educational activities in the Park.
We pay attention to all of the Park's characteristics with special emphasis on both cultural and natural heritage. The courses take place in spring. Expert workers first familiarize the participants with the fields of our activity in the forms of lectures and then they engage with compulsory field training.

Regarding the assessment of natural heritage, quantities and individual lists are not as important as the fact that we can find interdependant yet highly diverse species in the Park. All conditions, causes and consequences contribute to the exceptional natural diversity and this is precisely why the Škocjan Caves Park ranks high on the Slovenian natural heritage list. It is, therefore, very important that we adequately present and familiarize all new collaborators with the quality of this area since they are the ones who later present the valuable natural features of the Park to its visitors.

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