Network of Schools

The following primary schools participate in the international Network of Schools:
- Podgora, Kuteževo, Slovenia;
- Dragotin Kette, Ilirska Bistrica, Slovenia;
- Anton Žnidaršič, Ilirska Bistrica, Slovenia;
- Vreme Subsidiary School, Slovenia;
- Bogomir Magajna, Divača, Slovenia
- Pinko Tomažič, Trebče/ Trebiciano, Italy;
- Scuola media "Carlo de Marchesetti", Sesljan/Sistiana, Italy.

The co-ordinator of the Network of Schools is the Škocjan Caves Park Public Service Agency, Slovenia.

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The following institutions collaborate in the Network of Schools programme:
- Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning;
- Ministry of Education and Sport;
- Office of the Slovenian National Commission for UNESCO;
- National Education Institute of the Republic of Slovenia;
- Karst Research Institute SAZU Postojna;
- Divača Municipality;
- Biotechnical Faculty – University of Ljubljana;
- Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geodesy – University of Ljubljana;
- City Museum of Trieste;
- Notranjska Regional Park; and
- friends of the Škocjan Caves Park.

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