Transfer of Good Practices in Ecosystem Restoration from Norway

At the end of May, together with the partners of the ReNature project, we visited Norway to exchange experiences and gain additional knowledge in the field of ecosystem restoration. The partners from the Norwegian Institute for Nature Research - NINA presented the functioning and organization of their institute, which encompasses a wide range of activities, including ecosystem restoration, species monitoring, and data analysis.

We visited ecosystem restoration projects in an urban settlement that restored biodiversity and created a pleasant environment for the residents of Trondheim. Additionally, we toured the Orland Wetland Center interpretive center, where we observed one of the largest wetland restoration projects in Norway - Rasetvatnet.

Representatives from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology - NTNU introduced us to the opportunities and challenges of peatland restoration, which plays a crucial role in carbon collection and storage, thus contributing to climate change mitigation.

We also visited a peatland restoration project in an urban environment initiated last year, together with representatives from the municipality of Trondheim.

Biodiversity conservation is key in the fight against climate change, as healthy and resilient ecosystems play a significant role in mitigating its effects. We recognize the importance of joining forces and working together to achieve goals that will improve the state of ecosystems, benefiting both people and nature.

The project is co-financed by Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Norway through the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area 2014-2021, as well as the Republic of Slovenia in the amount of EUR 1.196.385,00.

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