Škocjan Caves Network of Schools receives state award for outstanding achievements
Škocjan Caves Network of Schools receives state award for outstanding achievements
We are very glad to inform you that our Network of Schools of the Škocjan Caves Park that operates within or according to the UNESCO MAB Program on the Karst Biosphere Reserve for already more than 10 years, was presented by the Award of the Republic of Slovenia for Outstanding Achievements in the Field of Primary School Education yesterday on a gala event in Ljubljana on October 4.
Photo 1: Our network of schools principals, director of Škocjan Caves Park and the coordinators of Unesco MAB program in ŠCP
The director of the Park Stojan Ščuka received the award from the minister of education, science and sport dr. Maja Makovec Brenčič and the president of the awards committee prof. dr. Ljubica Marjanovič Umek.
Photo 2: The director Stojan Ščuka receives the state award for education from the minister and committee president (photo: Tamino Petelinšek/STA)
The president of the Republic of Slovenia Borut Pahor was also present at the event where he gave a speech about challenges in the education of the future generations. We sincerely congratulate and express our gratitude to all our mentors and pupils from PS Podgora, Kuteževo, Antona Žnideršiča, Ilirska Bistrica, Dragotina Ketteja, Ilirska Bistrica, dr. Bogomirja Magajne, Divača and Pinka Tomažiča, Trebče their principals as well as all scientists and experts that gladly involve themselves in collaborations within our programs. And last but not least we express our deepest gratitude to the Slovene Biologist Society that recognized in our work something that is worth of receiving the state award and therefore proposed us for it May this year.
Photo 3: From left: colleagues and friends from the National Education Institute Slovenia, our network of schools principals, director of the Slovene Unesco Office, president of Slovene Republic, director of Škocjan Caves Park and the coordinators of Unesco MAB program in ŠCP(photo: Tamino Petelinšek/STA)
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