Introductory Event of the ReNature Project

Project partners gathered for the Kick-Off event at the Škocjan Caves Regional Park from September 12th to 15th.

In May 2022, we commenced the two-year project "Restoration of the network of wetlands and grasslands important for Natura 2000 and other protected species and habitat types in the Karst Biosphere Reserve and the Reka River Basin and the Seasonal Lakes of Pivka Nature Park" - ReNature. Through project activities, we aim to improve the condition of dry karst meadows and wetlands, as well as certain European priority species and Natura 2000 areas. Through awareness-raising and educational activities, we will inform local communities, landowners, experts, and other stakeholders about the importance of and adaptation to climate change, as well as about specific species and habitats.

The event served as an organization of work, allowing project partners to acquaint themselves with each other and the project area. On-site, partners from five institutions - Škocjan Caves Park, Municipality of Pivka, University of Primorska, Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies, Veterinary Faculty of the University of Ljubljana, and the Norwegian Institute for Nature Research - Foundation Norwegian Institute for Nature Research, familiarized themselves with the Karst Biosphere Reserve, the Reka River Basin, and the Pivka Intermittent Lakes Nature Park.

The project is co-financed by Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Norway through the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area 2014-2021, as well as the Republic of Slovenia in the amount of EUR 1.196.385,00.

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